Learning Process
App Maker has opens the door for us to learned, and we have learned it the hard way.
While it is promising, with many typical implementation as we have been looking for, App Maker is not so easy to learn. We do it slowly through our other daily activities.
To learn App Maker, we had to learn Google Sheet and Apps-Script, and that leads us to platform selection of our corporate which at that time is called G-Suite.

We start with reading the manual, do the training with some of expensive world-class trainers, procure some samples in addition of many samples available.
With many things to learn, we put a scoreboard of internal target to learn 3 things about AppMaker every week.

Collecting App Network
With several (hundreds) of samples from many places, we began to realized that we need more time to learn other things. There was always some other new things to learn. During this process, we found Stack overflow, and many other platform sharing information and Q&A.
Dark-Side to the Light
Our plan has become dark when App Maker shuts-down, and with the initial year through learning App Maker, we considered to find alternatives that is suitable to our needs, and we had review and test almost a hundred of typical system.
App Maker was chosen for its integration capability and control of data and some other major consideration that supporting our needs. Following discussion with Google, we were managed to get replacement of App Maker which is AppSheet and start a new journey with AppSheet.
Life goes-on and we starting to love AppSheet and will share our knowledge and experience in many of our Write-Apps post in the future.